Tag Archives: tfios

An Abundance of Katherines

If you haven’t noticed by now, I am a big fan of John Green. I love his books because they relate to teenagers on so many levels, and him being a young adult just makes it easier for him to understand what we go through and all that life throws at us. Recently, one of his books, The Fault in our Stars, has been made into a movie that will be in theaters on June 6th of this year. As an employee at the theater, we get to see a free movie every week, but it can’t be a premiere. Considering how much I loved this book, I will pay the money for the ticket and wait in the queue line with all the others anxiously waiting to bawl their eyes out. Frankly, I feel that other books by John Green are overlooked. For example, millions of people have read The Fault in our Stars but have they even read Paper Towns or Will Grayson, Will Grayson? An Abundance of Katherines is one of these books. It is about a teenage guy named Colin Singleton (ironic last name, but will get to that shortly) who has dated nineteen girls over the years all named Katherine. Not Catherine, not Kate. Katherine. Nineteen times he has loved, nineteen times he has been dumped. Colin is also a prodigy, or a child genius who loves facts and is very smart. He drafts up a mathematical theory that predicts the course of relationships and when they will end. John Green actually got one of his close friends to do all the math that was in the book and there is an appendix explaining it all. Anyways, Colin and his best friend Hassan decide they need to go on a roadtrip after Colin’s recent breakup with K-19. They end up in Gutshot, Tennessee and hilarity ensues, along with some sadness. That’s all I’m going to give away about the book because I think everyone in the world should read at least one John Green book. Now that I think of it, go buy a box set! I will most likely be blogging about the TFioS movie in June so stay tuned for that post! Now go read some John Green and join the ranks of the Nerdfighters.


TFioS Trailer

 So if you have read my blog at all, you know by now that I am a big fan of everything by John Green. I am a proud Nerdfighter, and I can honestly say The Fault in Our Stars is one of the most amazing pieces of literature that I have ever laid my eyes on. And that’s saying a lot. Since I finished Mockingjay, the third and final book in the Hunger Games series, I decided I would reread An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, which I will be blogging about later on in the week. All anyone on Twitter has been talking about recently is the trailer for The Fault in Our Stars, the movie adaptation of the book which comes out June 6th of this year (this is where working at a movie theater really pays off). Hazel Lancaster will be played by Shailene Woodley and Augustus Waters will be played by Ansel Elgort. Personally, I didn’t particularly like Woodley being cast to play the leading lady but hopefully it all works well in the end. The trailer was definitely a tear-jerker, like if you didn’t feel one ounce of emotion while watching it, you need serious help. It seems to follow the book pretty well, but I will probably read it again just to refresh myself before seeing the movie (if I don’t end up bawling through the whole thing). The trailer came out yesterday and it already has over 4,000,000 views so a lot of people are anticipating this movie. Throughout the last year, John Green has been posting things on Twitter and Tumblr about his involvement of the production of the movie and it seems like he had his say in a lot of it, but he seems pretty giddy that his book is being made into a movie, and I can’t blame him for it. Kudos to John Green and all the fabulous people who decided to make this astounding novel a movie. I will anxiously wait until June, but until then I’ll just read some more. What did you think of the trailer?

The Fault in Our Stars


 Cover title from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11870085-the-fault-in-our-stars

Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.” -The Fault in Our Stars, John Green

If you haven’t heard of John Green, you either aren’t from planet earth, or you just don’t check your social networking sites a lot. John Green is an up and coming young adult author that writes about topics that really apply to teens, but at the same time could be controversial. One of his books Looking for Alaska, a personal favorite of mine, is on the banned book list even though it contains issues that coincide with life, something that someone could really relate to. The Fault in Our Stars is a book about kids who have cancer. I’m sure you’ve read a book about a teenager having cancer, for example, My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult (a real tugger on the heartstrings-watch the movie if you don’t believe me). This book, however, is different. What John Green brings to this novel is unprecedented in so many ways, from the way he looks at teenagers with cancer from more of their perspective to how he chooses his words and makes you think, even though it is a book for young adults. This book is about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster who meets a dashing young man named Augustus Waters at a cancer support group meeting. The two fall in love and actually travel to Holland together but you will have to read the book to find out why, I will spoil nothing about this novel because I want you to go out and read it and find out what it’s all about! It’s just that good! I recommend this book to absolutely everyone. My mom, my boyfriend, his mom, and my art teacher have all read it and they all said it was a really good read. My best friend, who has so willingly been sucked into the world of nerdfighteria with me has also read it and we are definitely planning to see the movie at midnight when it comes out on June 6th, 2014. Now drop what you’re doing and go read this book! It will change your life and leave you thinking differently in so many ways.

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”  -The Fault in Our Stars, John Green